
Can Employees Discuss Wages with eachother?

It’s tempting for employers to put rules in the company handbook informing employees that they are prohibited from discussing wages and benefits with coworkers. Such policies often warn employees that violators will be subject to discipline up to and including termination. But prohibiting employees from discussing wages and pay is an illegal practice. The California […]

What is the Voluntary Classification Settlement Program?

The Voluntary Classification Settlement Program is a new optional program that provides employers with an opportunity to reclassify their workers as employees whom they have previously treated as independent contractors. The employer will be required to pay only a fraction of the federal employment taxes that it would have owed for the workers if they […]

Is Your Workplace Equipped To Handle A Crisis?

Is your HR department equipped and ready to handle a potential workplace emergency or crisis event? “Whether an organization survives a crisis with its financial condition, operations, and reputation intact is determined less by the severity of the event than by the timeliness and effectiveness of the response.” H. Fred Garcia – Effective Leadership Response […]